Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack
Descriere pentru produsul Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack
Language Level: A1-A2 The first level in a three-level topic-based vocabulary course to learn and practise the words that learners need to know at each CEFR level based on the Oxford 3000TM. Oxford Word Skills improves students’ vocabulary and vocabulary-learning skills. Short clear presentations and lots of opportunity for practice give students the confidence to use new vocabulary. 100 units at each level mean they cover a huge range of topics and everyday situations. The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary app or OALD app provides pronunciation and more information about the meaning and usage of words. This pack includes: Print Book Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app Key features: learn over 2400 words and phrases in each of the three books improve your vocabulary-learning skills practise the words in context study 100 units (20 extra!) with more practice use in the classroom and/or for self-study Oxford Word Skills covers the words that upper-secondary and young adult learners need to use English in real life based on the updated and CEFR-levelled Oxford 3000TM. Revised and updated for the Second edition now with 100 units (20 extra) and more practice. With over 2400 key words at each level and plenty of opportunity to practise students can cover exactly the vocabulary they need. The Oxford 3000TM word list provides core vocabulary that every learner of English needs to know graded by CEFR level. It is ideal for use either in or outside the classroom. Each unit introduces just the right amount of vocabulary for students to learn and remember in one session and explains the new words using real-life contexts and situations. Oxford Word Skills presents and practises the words phrases and lexical grammar students need to listen speak read and write confidently on a wide range of topics and everyday situations.Oxford Word Skills includes 1 year’s access to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app enabling students to listen to the pronunciation of each new word and do exercises on pronunciation in the books. They can also use the app to look up the meaning of any word or phrase they don’t know.
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Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack se poate comanda foarte usor. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa accesezi butonul „CUMPARA ACUM” si o sa fi redirectionat catre pagina vanzatorului. Comanda se face direct pe site-ul partenerului nostru niculescu.ro. Acesta va procesa si va face livrarea produsului dorit de catre dumneavoastra in cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Detalii despre produs:
Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack este fabricat si vandut sub acest brand: Oxford University Press
Acest produs face parte din categoria: Gramatica si subcategoria Carte
Acest produs Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack este indentificat dupa acest cod: O3039
Partenerul nostru a pus la vanzare acest produs in data de : 2022-11-19 01:35:25 UTC
Principalele etichete: Gramatica / Carte
Informatii despre magazinul vanzatorului:
Produsul Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack este vandut de catre site-ul niculescu.ro.
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Descriere magazin partener:
Oamenii inca iubesc cartile. Atat cei mari cat si cei mai mici isi doresc sa citeasca, sa se informeze, sa gaseasca subiecte interesante intre paginile unor carti foarte apreciate. Editura Niculescu pune la dispozitia pasionatilor de lectura carti pe toate gusturile, pentru toate varstele, din toata tara, prin intermediul site-ului Niculescu.ro.
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Specification: Oxford Word Skills 2E Elementary Student’s Pack