Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio
Descriere pentru produsul Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio
Santa Muerte is rising in popularity. With millions of devotees in Mexico the U.S. and throughout the world and growing devotion to Most Holy Death may be the biggest underground spiritual movement in the world. She is denounced by religious and governmental authorities. Yet everywhere they have failed she succeeds! This volume takes up where the first one leaves off by providing a deeper exploration of Santa Muerte’s vast powers and includes the author’s own secrets of working with her. It discusses altars talismans and images as generators accumulators and transmitters of Santa Muerte’s power and how to direct the energy of the altar and its components. It provides potentially life-transforming rituals and prayers to Santa Muerte for transcendent experiences associated with traditional witchcraft. It includes meditations talismans prayers and rituals regarding Santa Muerte’s best known offices and powers and: Psychic abilities Divination skills Communication with ancestral and other spirits Energy transference Astral and etheric projection Transmogrification Weather control Santa Muerte is a very potent primordial spirit of the Underworld whose purpose on earth is to help anyone who asks. She has many offices and aspects and is much more powerful versatile and reliable than any other saint. Where other saints or spirits fail Santa Muerte consistently achieves fast reliable results on behalf of her devoted children which is why she is so very much loved and venerated by those who have experienced her power. Devotion to Santa Muerte not about faith or belief it’s about your own personal experience with this ancient spirit. Learn more about the lifestyle of the Santa Muerte devotee and gain the knowledge and power to control your own life. Expand your knowledge of the art and occult science of witchcraft. Join the millions who have experienced Santa Muerte’s power for themselves!
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Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio se poate comanda foarte usor. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa accesezi butonul „CUMPARA ACUM” si o sa fi redirectionat catre pagina vanzatorului. Comanda se face direct pe site-ul partenerului nostru Acesta va procesa si va face livrarea produsului dorit de catre dumneavoastra in cel mai scurt timp posibil.
Detalii despre produs:
Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio este fabricat si vandut sub acest brand: Sophia Digregorio
Acest produs face parte din categoria: Beletristica si subcategoria Beletristica Limbi Straine
Acest produs Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio este indentificat dupa acest cod: 28005817
Partenerul nostru a pus la vanzare acest produs in data de : 2022-11-12 12:59:42 UTC
Principalele etichete: Beletristica / Beletristica Limbi Straine
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Produsul Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio este vandut de catre site-ul
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Te astepta stari de spirit, pe care sa le culegi din carti, sa le simti prin muzica, sa le traiesti prin filme. Iti amintesti de bucuria copilariei imediat ce intri in pagina dedicata jocurilor. Descoperi aici doar jocuri alese cu atentia unui parinte care selecteaza ce este mai bun pentru copilul sau. Te rasfeti, te amuzi, te relaxezi cand intri in „rafinament si lectura”. Suntem aici pentru tine!
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- 1 Descriere pentru produsul Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio
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Specification: Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio
![Grimoire of Santa Muerte Vol.2: Altars Meditations Divination and Witchcraft Rituals for Devotees of Most Holy Death de Sophia Digregorio](